10 rules every business owner should follow to save time and increase the bottom line without spending money.


Search “time management” on Amazon.co.uk and you’ll return 3,773 searches for related books. This search illustrates it’s a common problem for business owners looking for a quick time management solution. Ironically reading a book on time management is using up precious time that could be better spent on your business growth.

So how can you squeeze as much time out of your busy day and maximise business productivity and avoid that feeling of frustration that you’ve wasted yet another day.

Here are 10 rules to follow that focus the mind, increase productivity and improve your bottom line – I’ll keep it brief as time is money!

1) Identify when you’re most productive (and least productive). Log all the activities and discover how much time is spent on income generating tasks or spent on time wasters (be honest).

2) Develop a plan with clear objectives and goals. Map out the activity that will get you quickly to your goals and avoid fruitless activities.

3) Establish one organisational system. Adopt suitable business tools and employ the right people and your business improves efficiency.

4) Prioritise items that produce income and difficult tasks. As Brian Tracy author of ‘Eat that frog’ argues dealing with the single most important or difficult task first every day results in success.

5) Organise and group similar tasks together. Dividing tasks into groups streamlines activity such as sales calls, responding to emails, accounts, paperwork avoids jumping in and out of systems.

6) Concentrate on one thing at a time. It’s a myth that humans can multi-task effectively so train yourself to complete one task before moving on to the next one.

7) Allocate time spent on each task. Working to a deadline stops the day running away from you, leaving you with little time to cram in every other task.

8) Clear your head and clear your inbox. Eliminate distractions such as social media, emails and close down unused browsers as it can take between 5 – 15 minutes to engage with any task again.

9) Delegate and outsource tasks. If you don’t have time or a task doesn’t require your expertise or isn’t within your skill set seek help to save time.

10) Create space. Don’t jam pack your calendar with meetings and unachievable tasks. Instead block out a couple of hours to catch up with emails, paperwork or have time to think about next steps to grow your business.

Interruptions can only be expected in business but if you can train yourself to stick to the 10 rules listed above you will be more productive, you will squeeze more time out of the day and you will soon see real business growth without having to spend any extra money.


So what works best for me?

It’s my love of Apple products which are easy to synch and organise my day. Also Iris software has also transformed my business with its user-friendly interface that works for Murrison & Wilson and our clients. And not forgetting my team at Murrison & Wilson.


Look out for our forthcoming client profiles and discover some unique ways our successful clients make time and save time to grow their businesses.


If you’re looking for business advice or tax planning call on 0141 290 0262 or email  or connect via LinkedIn or Twitter.


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